Mechanical modelling of the dynamic load plate test with the Light Falling Weight Device (LFWD) is presented. The LFWD is employed on construction sites to verify the compaction degree of soil layers and to evaluate their bearing capacity. The mechanical models...
The dynamic plate loading test using the Light-Weight Deflectometer is an innovative field test designed to determine the dynamic deformation modulus of subsoils and fills in all types of earth working and ground engineering applications. In earth working, the test...
The Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) is currently not standardized; as a result, there are a number of commercially available LWD designs that yield different deflection and elastic modulus values. This proves problematic because transportation agencies are beginning...
Water content is one of the most important properties that affects the modulus measurements of compacted soil. To explore the sensitivity of measured modulus-based in-situ test results to the effect of compaction water content, a field study was performed in the State...