Our Valued Clients

Our clients include Civil Contractors, Mining, Professional Services, Research Organisation, Transportation, and Utilities.

Our relationships with our clients is built on serving them and creating value over the long term. For many, we are a trusted supply partner who they count on to help solve problems.
We help our clients use modern ground improvement and insitu testing methods to increase rates of construction, lower cost, improve quality, reduce risk and reduce your environmental footprint.
Our clients are local councils, government agencies, road, rail and airport authorities, asset managers, asset owners (rail for example), civil engineering and earthworks contractors, asphalt and concrete laying, mining, property developers, utilities (gas, water and electricity), large mobile crane and piling rig contractors, research organisations, universities and consultancies involved geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing (CMT), geotechnical pavement investigation, site characterisation, soil testing and soil investigation, geotechnical drilling, and site investigation.
Applications include: sealed and unsealed roads, cuttings, tunnels, embankments, railway track beds, concrete & asphalt pavements, airport runways and taxiways, hard stands, landfill sites, dams including mine tailings storage facilities (TSF’s), renewable energy (wind farms & solar farms), commercial, residential and industrial land development, building foundations, temporary works platforms, pipe & cable trenches, electricity pylons / overhead transmission, tank farms etc.

Civil Contractors - Construction including Bulk Earthworks, Mobile Crane and Piling Rigs, Asphalt & Concrete Laying and Ground Improvement


Professional Services – Civil, Geotechnical & Construction Materials Testing (CMT)

Research Organisation

Transportation – Roads, Rail (Passenger and Freight), Ports and Airports

Utilities (Gas, Water, Electricity, Telecommunications)

Our Supply Partners:

What our clients say

Insitutek Blogs

Compaction is one of the most important processes in pavement construction and, done well, leads to long-lasting pavement performance and reduced maintenance costs.

Our clients use Intelligent Compaction to create uniform efficient quantified compaction. Our Intelligent Compaction system provides:

We are delighted to officially announce our Ground Improvement portfolio.

For the last three years, we have been working on extending our offer from, just, in situ testing to testing and improving in situ conditions.

With our ground improvement portfolio, our focus is delivering more sustainable outcomes. Here is what we offer:

On 2 August 2024, geomechanics professionals gathered in Canberra for the Australian Geomechanics Society ACT Insitu Testing Practical Workshop. The event focused on practical demonstrations of key insitu testing methods, including Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), Static Plate Load Test (PLT), Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH), Light Weight […]