Impact Rolling / High Energy Impact Compaction


  • Cost effective, fast and quantified ground improvement
  • Uses 3, 4 and 5 sided and polygonal impact rollers
  • Compact in situ mixed fill, landfills and low strength natural soil to depths up to 5m.
  • Compact placed deep lifts of material up to 1.5m thickness.

Impact Rolling or High Energy Impact Compaction uses 3, 4 and 5 sided and polygonal impact rollers. As the non-circular roller rotates, it imparts energy to the soil as it falls to compact the ground.

Using Intelligent Compaction Measurement, we measure pass counts, ground response and settlement, giving full visibility and traceability of the in situ conditions.

Accelerated Compaction of In Situ Material

Impact rolling enables accelerated consolidation of in situ mixed fill, landfills and low strength natural soil to depths from 1m to 5m. Depths of compaction to 4m (clays) and 5m (sands with capping layer) can be achieved. Impact rolling is a cost-effective alternative to material removal (excavation) and replacement. It provides consistent, uniform compaction across heterogenous sites, for improved load bearing capacity allowing development to proceed on shallow footings, rather than on more expensive deep footings.

Compaction of Deeper Lifts of Placed Material

Compaction of deeper lifts of placed layers up to 1.5m depth makes impact rolling a very attractive alternative to traditional vibratory roller compaction where a maximum of say, 600mm, can be compacted. By increasing the layer thickness, the number of layers of material that are placed is reduced, increasing rates of construction and reducing construction costs. Larger grain sizes to 2/3rds of the layer thickness can be compacted.

Applications for Impact Rolling

Impact rolling applications include:

  • civil infrastructure (residential subdivisions, airports, roads and ports)
  • commercial and industrial (land development including problematic sites)
  • mining (mine haul roads, tailings dams and mine rehabilitation)
    • rubbilise sharp oversize rock on tip heads, pit floors and mine haul roads, resulting in significant savings on tyre wear and damage to mine haul trucks.
    • liquification mitigation can be achieved because compaction rearranges soil particles into tighter configuration, increasing soil density. This increases the shear strength and liquification resistance of the soil, encouraging a dilative response instead of a contractive, dynamic soil response.
    • permeability is reduced e.g. for capping layers in mine rehabilitation by reducing the voids present in the soil.
  • renewable energy infrastructure (roads, lay-down areas, substation foundations)
  • landfills (closed old landfill sites are treated with impact rolling to reduce creep settlement or increase stiffness without disturbing what’s underneath.
  • land reclamation (dredged sands)
  • contaminated sites (containing toxic or hazardous material such as Acid Sulphate Soils, PFAS (containment cells), Heavy Metals, Asbestos etc. with applications including containment dams, liquification mitigation, and acid mine drainage reduction.
  • concrete or asphalt breakage for inground slabs and structures or pavement layers
  • coal discard compaction to better control pollution and land instability
  • agriculture water storage (floors and dam walls) and irrigation channel banks to reduce permeability (and seepage) and the likelihood of dam wall failure.

To find out more, Contact Us.

Land Reclamation Port Impact Rolling HEIC-3-Sided
Land Reclamation Port Impact Rolling HEIC-3-Sided
Residential development site 5 sided Roller Dynamic Compaction
Adelaide University Impact Roller compaction Broons Test rig


Related Solutions

Piling Rig Working Platform Assessment for Compaction Bearing Capacity

Bearing Capacity

  • Measure the capacity of soil to support the loads applied to the ground.
  • Assess the maximum average contact pressure between the foundation and the soil which should not produce shear failure.
  • Test in situ applications including temporary works platforms for mobile crane pads or piling rigs, building and temporary structure foundations, tank farms and pavements.
Midi CPT Crawler A.P. van den Berg

Site Investigation

  • Scan and characterise the grounds physical properties on site using innovative in situ site investigation methods
  • To design earthworks and foundations for proposed structures and for repair of distress to earthworks and structures caused by subsurface conditions, you will need to do some site investigation.
  • Check site conditions, get immediate results and take soil samples.

How it Works

As the non-circular roller rotates, it imparts energy to the soil as it falls to impact the ground.

Impact Rolling High Energy Impact Compaction Concept

Intelligent Compaction Measurement (ICM) measuring pass counts, ground response (an indication of stiffness) and settlements with 100% site coverage, giving full visibility and traceability of the insitu conditions.

Intelligent Compaction Measurement records the location of the data using GPS technology, providing a colour coded visual map and enabling operators the ability to easily review detailed data in real time and make adjustments as required. The maps show when a location has been compacted with no further settlement while outlining certain areas of the site that require more passes.

ICM will greatly improve the performance across fill sites as it:

✅ Identifies weak sub-surface areas or deleterious material
✅ Records and maps out compaction areas
✅ Characterizes spatial sub-grade variation over 100% of the area

Traditional Testing vs Intelligent Compaction Measurement (ICM) Impact Rolling

We can do further testing to validate the performance. Three examples are Cone Penetration Testing, GRIZZLY Dynamic Probing and Plate Load Testing.

Cone Penetration Testing CPT and Plate Load Test results for Impact RollingTen years of collaboration with the Adelaide University School of Civil, Environmental & Mining Engineering has formed the backbone of further developments in Rolling Dynamic Compaction, and the continued development of the Impact Roller design and application. More than 40 PhD students have contributed to this process with many published papers being presented at Australian and International Geomechanics Society conferences. A combination of field testing matched with finite element analysis in the laboratory have brought great advancements in the impact rolling product and knowledge of deep compaction.

Adelaide University field testing Impact Roller compaction

Extensive field testing with buried pressure cells are calibrated with scale models in the research facility.

Adelaide University Impact Roller compaction Broons Test rig

Trusted by our clients

Select Plant Hire (Laing O'Rourke)
WANT Geotechnics
Wakefield Regional Council
CMW Geosciences
LBS Engineering
Protest Engineering
Red Earth Engineering
WSP Australia
Boom Logistics
Global Engineering & Construction
MPC Kinetic
South 32
Future Generations
RJE Global
Macquarie Geotechnical
Life of Mine Engineering
Geo Environmental Solutions
Contract Power Group
Bland Shire Council
Betta Roads
Arcos Group
SMS Geotechnical
ADE Consulting Group
Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd
Plateway Pty Ltd
Butler Partners Pty Ltd
4D Geotechnics Pty Ltd
AMB Geotech SQS Pty Ltd
ATC Williams Pty Ltd
Australian Geotechnical Testing
Australian Soil and Concrete Testing Pty Ltd
BHP Nickel West
Black Insitu Testing
Bloxam Burnett & Olliver Ltd
CMT Engineers
Consolidated Power Projects Australia
CQUniversity Australia
D&N Geotechnical
Dynamic Compaction Solutions
Evolution Mining: Northparkes
Finnish Overseas Consultants Ltd
Galt Geotechnics Pty Ltd
Geotech International
Geotechnical Testing Services Pty Ltd
HEB Constructions
Hunter Civilab
Keller Pty Ltd
KMK Geotechnics
Local Geotechnics
Mitchell Water Australia
Ora Banda Mining
Pardo Engineering
Pearce Geotechnical
Qualtest Laboratory Pty Ltd
Queensland University of Technology
Te Ahu a Turanga Alliance _ Fulton Hogan
Transport for NSW - Sydney Trains
Western Geotechnical & Laboratory Services
A&Y Associates
Agincourt Resources
Altissimo Consulting
Canterbury Geotest
Chadwick Geotechnics
Civil Consult
Civil Geotechnical Consultants
Civil Innovation
CivilPlus Constructions Pty Ltd
Civiltest Pty Ltd
Colas Australia Group
Construction Sciences
Core Consultants
CPB Contractors
Creative Plumbing
Crozier Geotechnical Consultants
Department of Defence
Department of Transport and Main Roads QLD
Douglas Partners Pty Ltd
Downer Group
First Solar
Fortescue Metals Group
FSG Geotechnics
Fulton Hogan
Gamble Excavations
Gascoyne Gateway
GeoSmart Solutions
Global Synthetics
Ground Science Pty Ltd

Our Valued Partners:

Insitutek Blogs

On 2 August 2024, geomechanics professionals gathered in Canberra for the Australian Geomechanics Society ACT Insitu Testing Practical Workshop. The event focused on practical demonstrations of key insitu testing methods, including Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), Static Plate Load Test (PLT), Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH), Light Weight […]

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