Lets help Ground Level Alliance: Seeking your Case Studies of Good Sustainability Practice Applied in Civil Construction

Sep 15, 2023 | Insitutek

Ground Level Alliance
Ground Level Alliance needs our help – bridging the gap between civil construction and sustainability. Are you interested in the contribution our profession and you directly can have delivering more sustainable outcomes in the civil construction industry? Insitutek supports the objectives of Ground Level Alliancea young organisation empowering and equipping civil construction professionals in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands to make sustainability a daily practice, like safety. Ground Level Alliance guides the way.

What’s distinctive?

  1. Focused on taking action
  2. Not re-inventing the wheel
  3. Grass roots (by industry practitioners for our industry)
  4. Local to the Pacific region
  5. Voluntary and not driven by commercial interests
  6. Focused on the front end of projects where we can have more impact

Why does the Ground Level Alliance exist? Many in civil construction find it difficult to connect their work to addressing global environmental and sustainability issues. The Ground Level Alliance aims to bridge this gap by providing direction and guidance. The Ground Level Alliance mantra is all about taking action so, let’s start making a difference! Ground Level Alliance would appreciate your help gathering case studies. These case studies will play a vital role in illustrating a path forward for our profession. They’re looking for examples that highlights the implementation of good sustainability practice in civil construction projects from around the globe. Typically, these will:

  • Look through a different lens with new understanding
  • Showcase doing things differently
  • Try new approaches
  • Challenge the status quo

Note: a project e.g. focused on cost and risk reduction could be re-crafted to  demonstrate good sustainability practice. Action: If you have come across or have the makings of a good case study, please let Ground Level Alliance know. It may be a brief description that we can make into an easily digestible powerful case study. If in doubt, send it through!



Share a Case Study Ground Level Alliance have a standard template for case studies so they are easy to search, consume and get the main points across concisely.
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Start doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible – Francis of Assisi
Ground Level Alliance Support Partners

Looking forward to enabling you to use your professional skills to make an impact.

Our Plate Load equipment is getting a lot of use. We’re very happy with it. 🙂

Mary Flux

Director & Engineering Geologist, WANT Geotechnics

I would hate to go back to doing the Plate Load Test using the old method using dial gauges. It would be so time consuming, not to mention manually recording and then processing all the results.

Daniel Pearce

Director - Pearce Geotech

After scouring the market, we settled on the PANDA DCP test equipment as it offered the technical capability and, moreover, the flexibility required to work in the restricted environment our project presented; overhead clearance typically at 1500mm but as low as 1200mm.  We had a unique problem that required a unique solution and that’s precisely what we found through the team at Insitutek and the PANDA equipment.  The ease of assembly, intuitive operability and compact nature of the equipment, made light of the numerous soundings we required across a widely dispersed area.

Bjorn Schultz

Project Manager, Solar Farm, Australia

Insitutek Blogs

On 2 August 2024, geomechanics professionals gathered in Canberra for the Australian Geomechanics Society ACT Insitu Testing Practical Workshop. The event focused on practical demonstrations of key insitu testing methods, including Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), Static Plate Load Test (PLT), Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH), Light Weight […]

Have you ever wished your Plate Load Test equipment would operate itself? Then our static plate load test with automatically operating battery hydraulic pump is definitely something for you. 🙂 Typically, a hydraulic hand pump is used to apply 15 to 20 load increments over two loading cycles by the operator. One test lasts 20-30 […]

We want to share details of a practical AGS Insitu Testing workshop on 2 August, share something for those working on slope stability and for those in land development and tip you off on getting early bird prices for a couple of up-coming conferences in Australia. If you are interested in modern insitu testing methods […]