Compaction Control


Our innovative compaction control methods measure the level of compaction of the formation for unbound or partially bound layers (sub-grade, sub-base, base) and for asphalt layers. Being able to get results immediately enables you can make data backed decisions on the spot.

Our range of innovative compaction control methods enables you to do compaction control in applications that include road construction, cuttings, tunnels, trenches and embankments, railway track beds, airport runways, taxiways, aprons and parking areas, hard standing areas, landfill sites, dams including mine tailings dams, renewable energy (wind & solar farms), temporary works platforms for mobile crane pads or piling rigs, building and temporary structure foundations, pipe & cable laying, electricity pylons / overhead transmission, tank farms and others.

To find out more, Contact Us.


Trusted by our clients

Select Plant Hire (Laing O'Rourke)
WANT Geotechnics
Wakefield Regional Council
CMW Geosciences
LBS Engineering
Protest Engineering
Red Earth Engineering
WSP Australia
Boom Logistics
Global Engineering & Construction
MPC Kinetic
South 32
Future Generations
RJE Global
Macquarie Geotechnical
Life of Mine Engineering

Our Valued Partners:

Insitutek Blogs

Compaction is one of the most important processes in pavement construction and, done well, leads to long-lasting pavement performance and reduced maintenance costs.

Our clients use Intelligent Compaction to create uniform efficient quantified compaction. Our Intelligent Compaction system provides:

We are delighted to officially announce our Ground Improvement portfolio.

For the last three years, we have been working on extending our offer from, just, in situ testing to testing and improving in situ conditions.

With our ground improvement portfolio, our focus is delivering more sustainable outcomes. Here is what we offer:

On 2 August 2024, geomechanics professionals gathered in Canberra for the Australian Geomechanics Society ACT Insitu Testing Practical Workshop. The event focused on practical demonstrations of key insitu testing methods, including Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), Static Plate Load Test (PLT), Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH), Light Weight […]