Mine Waste and Tailings Conference 2021

May 27, 2021 | Insitutek

Mine Tailings Conference

Insitu Test are excited to exhibit at this years Mine Waste and Tailings Conference 2021.

AusIMM’s Mine Waste and Tailings Conference returns in July 2021 to explore all aspects of life cycle waste rock and tailings management, from site selection and design to post-closure care.

Delivered both in person and online, this outstanding technical conference will address current and future challenges impacting mining systems re-engineering, based on the paradigm shift mining business success is fundamentally dependent upon waste management

Join delegates from around the world to hear from leading global experts, participate in robust discussions, see the latest mining innovations, and meet with speakers and peers at networking events.

AusIMM in collaboration with The University of Queensland look forward to welcoming you to this leading industry conference.

Mine Tailings

AusIMM’s Mine Waste and Tailings Conference explores the latest in sustainable development for the global mining community. Discover more over the two-day conference and at pre-conference workshops by learning, sharing and collaborating with other industry professionals.

The new hybrid conference format for Mine Waste and Tailings is expected to attract 250+ delegates generating a truly global audience. This conference will reach more international delegates and regional Australians, than ever before.

Read more here: https://www.ausimm.com/conferences-and-events/mine-waste-and-tailings/

I would hate to go back to doing the Plate Load Test using the old method using dial gauges. It would be so time consuming, not to mention manually recording and then processing all the results.

Daniel Pearce

Director - Pearce Geotech

The ZFG 3000 is an excellent tool and should be included in any professional contractors equipment list of assets. This tool should have a similar impact on the construction industry as the laser level. The ability to accurately and reliably measure this aspect of ground condition will improve the quality of the work and remove doubt as to the progress of the project.

I bought my ZFG 3000 and on the same day less than two hours later, it had paid for itself. Using this instrument, I was able to demonstrate scientifically, repeatably and independently the quality of the work that we had completed for our client. Ending the disagreement and creating an improved working relationship. Most jobs are not as confrontational as this was however, most jobs are built to a standard. The contractor can now measure as required, to know on site, at the time of testing if this standard is being achieved.

I strongly recommend the ZFG 3000 Deflectometer to any earthmoving, civil construction contractor. Good luck with your projects.

Jim Bassett

Managing Director, Bassearth Pty Ltd

The PANDA probe is giving us and the construction team very useful insight with immediate feedback on the compaction being achieved on a major new rail construction project in QLD. We have two teams working daily using PANDA DCP’s and the Automatic Hammer on the rail formation, enabling real time decision making with confidence, based on the highly repeatable results.

Federico Velasquez

Senior Geotechnical Engineer, CMW GeoSciences

Insitutek Blogs

Compaction is one of the most important processes in pavement construction and, done well, leads to long-lasting pavement performance and reduced maintenance costs.

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We are delighted to officially announce our Ground Improvement portfolio.

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On 2 August 2024, geomechanics professionals gathered in Canberra for the Australian Geomechanics Society ACT Insitu Testing Practical Workshop. The event focused on practical demonstrations of key insitu testing methods, including Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), Static Plate Load Test (PLT), Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH), Light Weight […]