NACOE Releases Draft Technical Note – Guidance on Use of Light Weight Falling Deflectometers (LWDs) to be Accepted as an Alternative Method for Verification of Earthworks Compaction Requirements – June 2021

Apr 6, 2022 | Bearing Capacity, Compaction Control, Rail Formation & Ballast Condition Assessment

National Asset Centre of Excellence (NACOE), a collaboration of Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), has released their final report for the Best practice in compaction quality assurance for pavement and subgrade materials – P60 project. Importantly, in Appendix A of this report, is the Draft Technical Note – Guidance on Use of Light Weight Falling Deflectometers (LWDs) to be Accepted as an Alternative Method for Verification of Earthworks Compaction Requirements – June 2021.


This draft technical note provides guidance on implementation of Light Weight Deflectometers including a flow chart showing key steps for assessment/derivation of equivalent acceptance thresholds for LWD use (in lieu of traditional (density) testing minimum thresholds included in MRTS04 – General Earthworks).


We believe this “How to” guide will be very useful for industry on projects across the country. You can visit our website to access the full report and other resources.


If you have any feedback and thoughts on the Draft Technical Note, we’d love to hear them! Contact us.

I have known the team at Insitutek for over ten years. Their professionalism, positivity and enthusiasm for their work is outstanding and I am pleased to recommend them.

Greg Adamson

Geotechnical Engineering

I felt the training was very thorough. If anyone doesn’t know how to use a PANDA after that session, they shouldn’t be using one at all.

Sam Bamford

Laboratory Division Manager, Protest Engineering

The ZFG 3000 is an excellent tool and should be included in any professional contractors equipment list of assets. This tool should have a similar impact on the construction industry as the laser level. The ability to accurately and reliably measure this aspect of ground condition will improve the quality of the work and remove doubt as to the progress of the project.

I bought my ZFG 3000 and on the same day less than two hours later, it had paid for itself. Using this instrument, I was able to demonstrate scientifically, repeatably and independently the quality of the work that we had completed for our client. Ending the disagreement and creating an improved working relationship. Most jobs are not as confrontational as this was however, most jobs are built to a standard. The contractor can now measure as required, to know on site, at the time of testing if this standard is being achieved.

I strongly recommend the ZFG 3000 Deflectometer to any earthmoving, civil construction contractor. Good luck with your projects.

Jim Bassett

Managing Director, Bassearth Pty Ltd

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